(F. Eagleton ~ PatriotPartyPress.com) Every ten years, the White House Executive Accountability Team does an audit of whoever occupied the mansion during that decade. The official 2022 report is in, and the results are disturbing.
During that time, three men have lived in the White House. Biden, who hasn’t had a chance to steal anything yet since he still lives there, Trump, who left $49,000 more worth of furniture than he came with, and Obama.
Obama, according to the ledger, robbed the American people of nearly $5 million in goods and services.
Biden. his vice president at the time, has no choice but to refer the matter to the Justice Department, where Attorney General Merrick Garland will most likely ignore it until the statute of limitations runs out in 2023.
On hearing the news, Trump says he may file suit to recover the money he left behind, plus an additional $4.81 million so Obama doesn’t beat him.
White House Hasbro Entrepreneur Joe Barron alleges that the Obama family made off with his totally mint Transformers collection, worth a grand total of nearly seventy five dollars.
The rest of the millions total comes from missing toilet paper rolls, staples, and assorted jars of Nutella .
We’ll keep you updated on this developing story.