You thought you’d seen it all with the recent Bud Light controversy.  Well, hold on, True Believer.  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

That is, unless you’ve already seen the brand new Nike advertisements.  There’s the commercial with a group of, what could only be called drag queens, dancing around in sequined dresses, singing Voules Vou to football kneeler Colin Kaepernick who, himself, is dressed in a Ringmaster’s outfit.

Towards the end of the commercial, Kaepernick smiles and the camera pans downward to reveal his Nike sneakers, each one adorned with various colorful bobs and buttons.  In short, it’s possibly the most disgusting thing a straight white man could view.

And that’s where the trouble is starting again for shoe company Nike.  You may remember when the company hired Kaepernick in the first place, and he objected to their special “Fourth of July’ footwear for being, somehow, “unpatriotic” for having the American flag on them.

Now, after that blunder, they’re doing it again, seemingly unafraid of the rebuttals.  Nike sneaker expert Joe Barron explains why.

“The people that keep getting mad at Nike are old, dumb Trumpers.  In short, the stupidest people on the planet.  No one cares what they think, and their big scary ‘boycotts’ never do anything.  Screw those shit for brains.”

Since the ads began airing, Nike’s stock has gone up nearly 200%.  So I guess being woke and disgusting is now what sells in America.  Oh, the humanity.

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