Joe Biden has ordered John Durham to cease and desist his investigation into Obama’s involvement in setting up President Trump for the Russia “scandal.” According to our sources, Biden wants Durham gone and the investigation buried before primary season starts in March.

All records are to be sealed. The official reason is “unsustainable investigative tactics.” We reached out to the Justice Department for comment and got a standard brush-off from White House Director of Information and Propaganda, Art Tubolls:

It’s good to be back in the job, Flagg. Thanks for the scones. We had no choice but to cut Durham off, as his investigation was costing $2 million a month, most of which was going to a private security firm called “Tmurp Enterprises.” We’re not saying that’s fishy, we’re just saying it doesn’t quite add up.

It might if there was any substance to the day-to-day, but apparently, Durham hasn’t been to work in 11 months, and his entire investigation fits on a post-it note.”

Biden has ordered the investigation closed. We all know his Propaganda Director is gonna lie and say things like that. We’ve seen the Durham report through eyewitness accounts of people who have talked to others who may or may not have read it. It’s legit.

The problem here, patriots, is transparency. If Biden wants to fire Durham and hide the Post-It, that’ll be on him come next year when the House of Representatives impeaches Biden 11 times.

God bless America.

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