Kathy Griffin has issues keeping her big mouth shut.

During a recent visit to an off-market comic convention, Griffin approached Gina Carano while she was signing autographs for fans and insulted her publicly.

“They still think you’re actually acting? That’s adorable!” Griffin heckled, “And I see you had a fake Cara Dune outfit made just for the occasion.”

Carano responded by dropping her pen, pushing through the crowd, and bringing herself face-to-face with Griffin, who suddenly looked terrified. “What did you say, little ginger?” Carano asked. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you a choice. Do you want me to kick your ass right here or would you prefer to wait until later?”

The extremely clever line scared Griffin even more. She scurried away while Carano’s fans laughed and resumed their autograph session. “I don’t know what her problem is,” said event coordinator Joe Barron, “Gina is just here trying to get by. These autographs are her only income, and at $3 each, it’s gonna be a long weekend.”

Things are looking up for the former Mandolorian star, however. The Daily Wire ordered a sequel to that movie she did, so she’s got that lined up. “This time the budget is double, so she can expect to pull close to four figures,” said a source close to the industry.

Good for you, Gina! You keep telling those liberals who’s boss! God Bless you. And God Bless America.


  1. Tim OLeary

    Kathy needs to get her ass kicked to knock that libtard attitude south!

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