The 1980’s hit sitcom, The Golden Girls is being given the reboot treatment by Disney when television productions can begin again, says Disney spokesman Joseph Barron.
The much-loved show will be retooled and have an updated flair to it for this generation. The series will be rooted in the original idea but have a 2020 attitude, complete with cheesecake, albeit keto-friendly, vegan cheesecake
There will be four main characters, as before, but this time, it will be about equality. Instead of four elderly women, it will be four gay men of color and will revolve around their lives living together in Miami. The four will have to deal with romance, jealousy, and the trials and tribulations of being gay black men.
According to Disney, there will a lot of romance, and one will spark up between two of the roommates. The reboot will be groundbreaking for sure.
Disney has been planning on the reboot for over 10 years, but now they want to reach a young and hip audience and believe this will do it.
“The Golden Girls was a groundbreaking show of its time, and this retooling of the series will be just as groundbreaking, reaching audiences that will be thrilled to see four gay men of color, together, something we could have never got away within the 1980s,” says Barron, sure of a ratings hit.
Whether or not the older fans of the original series will be on board with this remains to be seen. The original four cast members were more conservative, from the south and Midwest, while the four new cast members will be from New York City and San Francisco. Gone are the southern draws and the Minnesota nice, and now there will be a 2020 gay attitude.
While most networks are shying away from the sitcoms, Disney and NBC are going all in and throwing it back into the face of their more conservative older audiences.
“They’re old and they’re going to die soon anyway,” Disney brass says, and they have to focus on the new, hip generation of television watchers.
Seniors, get ready to clutch those pearls.