There’s been quite the buzz around the internet lately as word spread that Chuck Norris would be joining the panel of Roseanne Barr’s new daytime talk show.

Is Chuck Norris taking the job? YES! We rate this claim TRUE!

Next fall, at 11 AM weekdays, 10 AM central and Pacific, “Unwoke with Roseanne Barr” will begin its run on CBS. The network says it’s looking to build off the recent successes on Fox with conservative Americans.

“We’re really excited to have Chuch aboard,” said network CEO Joe Barron, “we’re hoping this whole thing is a lot of fun and just as exempt from audience scrutiny as the trash on Fox. We;’ve been doing mornings wrong for years.”

Barron may be right, other than the content on Fox being “trash.” Research shows that conservative Americans, especially those with time to watch morning television, are extremely loyal to their accepted brands and will go out of their way to believe what they’re told by their media sources, even those labeled “satire.”

Those people not only stick with their beliefs and values but also help support their favorite sites by clicking ads like a pre-teen kid looking up hoverboards for the first time. And there’s nothing wrong with that, patriots. Enthusiasm for confirmation bias is a real thing on both sides, though we seem to be more accepting of some slight alterations of the “truth.”

That makes us more open to new ideas. Something the Left obviously knows nothing about. God Bless America.

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