Inside sources at ABC confirm that the network asked the longtime star of its hit show “The View” to resign amid a sea of controversy. The request came directly from ABC’s Director of Talent Art Tubolls, who signs off on all casting for more than 100 shows. According to an internal memo reviewed by this publication, Tubolls is no longer interested in dealing with Goldberg’s constant antics.

The note lists her insensitive remarks about the Holocaust, her constant rants about how Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer, and her incessant whining that Roe vs. Wade was overturned make her a liability legally and increasingly unpopular with conservatives over 65, who don’t watch the show but pray it gets canceled all the time. “That’s negative exposure,” said Joe Barron, spokesman for the talent department, “We pay her too much money to upset people who don’t even participate in the audience.”

According to TV Guide, The View is the most watched daytime television show of all time, beating out Larry Ferrari’s Lowrey Organ Hour on Chicago public access that ran for over 40 years. Should Goldberg be interested in filling those shoes — Larry died in 1997 and the stage has been quiet since — experts say it might take her some time to master Ferrari’s version of Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago. He did this modulation in the first movement that even accomplished players mistook for magic.

Anyway, there’s no word yet on whether or not she plans to resign, but we can all hope and pray.

God bless America.

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