The price of freedom is high and tragic, as we’ve all seen in more public displays of violence in America this year than any other civilized country.  The question some people are asking is :

“Why in God’s name does freedom REQUIRE a price anyway?”

We should charge everyone who voted for this asshole a thousand bucks penalty.

Nobody is pushing that narrative quite as hard as film star and horse communicator Whoopi Goldberg, the controversial host of daytime chick-yapper program The View.  Goldberg used her massive forum this morning to demand that the current president and his administration issue a full gun ban.

“This is it.  We know what guns are.  We know how many ‘mentally ill’ people own and use them, untrained and unthinking.  I am DEMANDING that President Biden end these nightmares right now and propose for a vote, a complete and total ban on firearms.  For our children.”

“For our children” is a common refrain for liberals every time a few of the little rascals end up bullet-riddled.  They’re apparently not ready to pay the Price, nor are they as ballsy as gun advocate Sanders Batt, who took to YouTube to present a rebuttal.

“Hey, a few kids here, a few kids there, who’s gonna miss em?  If little Johnny has to live only six or seven years so that I can have a glock ready at the Winn Dixie, that’s acceptable to me.  Pussies like this are why they make body armor.  Send your kid to school in body armor.  Pussy.”

Pussy or not, Goldberg has already started her proposed plan of action, organizing protests and sneaking into neighborhood homes to confiscate weapons using her Ghost knowledge.  Set phases on peace, Captain.

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