No, not the Biden that you would think, even though Democratic candidate for President Joe Biden is doing terrible in the polls and can’t string two sentences together to save his life. If the Dems claim they have an “opponent” for President Trump it sure isn’t him, much to Trump’s disappointment.

He really needs to drop out so he won’t embarrass himself or the party any more than he has, but he is stubborn and too senile to realize how poorly he is doing.

Bloomberg’s new hire is Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son and source of many investigations and the real reason the President is concerned about fighting corruption in Ukraine and the entire world as the leader of the free world should.

Madelyn Bowie who is the Spokesperson for Tulsi Gabbard called this hiring of the controversial Biden “Unfair! A Hoax! Unconstitutional!”

It has been rumored in circles of people in the know that Gabbard may be Trump’s running mate replacing Vice President Mike Pence because she’s “Smoking Hot!”

President Trump who is a real trendsetter and a stable genius when it comes to winning will be the 1st incumbent President to pick a female running mate from the other party. What does he have to lose?

Sources from the Bloomberg Campaign say the younger Biden who has no skills to speak of, so we won’t, will be doubling his salary to $200 Million dollars per year, twice as much as he was making in Ukraine with Burisma Oil company.

Biden will be night manager of the Rhode Island office answering the phones, sweeping up and maybe stuffing envelopes.

In the meantime, President Trump’s 4 children are running multimillion-dollar international businesses with no input from their genius business-minded father who is swamped with President stuff to do. That’s how a real dad raises a kid.

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