Actor Jon Voight is one of the most talented people in Hollywood. He’s also one of the most conservative. Because of the power of his Oscars and the name he’s built for himself, however, he continues to thrive in an increasingly liberal world.

That doesn’t stop him from being who he is, however. On a recent episode of his podcast, “The Truth About Us with Jon Voight,” the Pearl Harbor icon went off on Whoopi Goldberg.

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“I don’t know what her problem is,” said Voight, “The people of Israel have been through so much, and through their love of God and Benjamin Netanyahu they have fought back, and she can’t seem to take it.”

We asked Mr. Voight if he had more specific examples of his outrage toward Goldberg. “She’s on the left, which is a very dangerous and selfish place to be,” he said, “If we were in an episode of RTay Donovan I’d go Mickey on her.”

Jon Voight has certainly earned the right to go on rants about Israel. He’s definitely earned the right to his political beliefs. No matter what anyone says, he ordered the Doolittle Raid, and for that, history will never forget.

God Bless you, Jon Voight. And God Bless America.


  1. peg grace

    Mr voight is so right on says what a whole lot of us want to say yet not a celeb so no one listens I will never watch the view all are disgusting traitors ThankYou JOHN ………..JOY is next cancel the shit show

  2. Nellie

    Yes I stand with Israel 🇮🇱 and I stand for God that crate heaven and earth 🌎 so yes Mr Voight

  3. Michael


  4. I am a 79-year-old Trumper, and I consider you one of the most outstanding Americans of my time. When Trump wins in 2024, I am sure he will bestow on you the medal of America for your courage and loyalty to your country. I wish I could meet you and shake your hand before I die.

  5. Nicki

    Not understanding why he thinks Netanyahu is a good man, he’s a khazarian jew, and destroying Israel from within.

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