If you thought that Democrats couldn’t get any lower, they just did.

In an interview on “The View” Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, when asked by Whoopi Goldberg what she thought of the First Lady, responded without any evidence that, “Melania Trump is a nasty, nasty woman.”

Asked to elaborate on why she thought that, Ms. Harris said:

“She’s a gold digger, plain and simple. She came to this country illegally, participated in a couple of nude photo shoots, and basically tried to sleep her way to the top. Then, when she was down on her luck, out of money and about to move back to Slovenia, she lucked out and met Trump at a seedy nightclub.

I bet she couldn’t believe her luck to meet someone as dumb and gullible as Donald Trump, who at the time was looking for his next trophy wife because, you know, strippers and Russian hookers get old after a while, even if they do like water sports. So she managed to snag him at just the right time.

So she basically went from being an illegal sex worker from a sh*thole country in Eastern Europe to First Lady of the United States of America. I’m sure her new and improved ‘kidneys’ had something to do with it, too. If that isn’t nasty, I don’t know what is.”

Melania Trump spokeswoman Sandy Batt said Mrs. Trump was too shaken and upset to respond to the lurid allegations.

However, we were able to reach France Prešeren, recently immigrated spokesperson for the Knauss family, who angrily responded in his native Slovenian:

“Žive naj vsi narodi
Ki hrepene dočakat’ dan
Da koder sonce hodi
Prepir iz sveta bo pregnan
Da rojak
Prost bo vsak
Ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!”

Will TruPotatriots™ be outraged by this?

Of course, they will. Because only a gullible potato wearing a MAGA dunce cap would believe Kamala Harris actually said this on live TV, and that a family spokesperson would respond to the fictional “interview” with the Slovenian National Anthem.

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