A longstanding traditional society for the good of American justice, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has been at the forefront of no end of controversy.  This week, however, there’s a whole new ballgame.

Deciding during a closed door meeting on behalf of it’s shareholders and members to make some major changes in it’s membership, the NAACP has summarily cancelled those of members Barack and Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, and talk show host Whoopi Goldberg.

This came as a massive shock to Goldberg, who has been dealing with a wealth of problems within the last year or so since Facebook more or less shut down our reach for political stories.  She’s been target number one, and doesn’t like it at all.

“Nope, I don’t like it at all,” Whoopi imaginarily said to a crowd of dozens in Queef County, California.  “I know I’m easy to pick on, and a cheap mark.  But come on guys.  The NAACP?  Really?  Why you gotta be so racist?”

Racism has little to do with it, besides being a great selling point to the disgusting old coffin nappers who are still Trump supporters.  Man, if I knew people could be that stupid, me and Joe Barron would have been selling pet rocks in elementary school.

NAACP spokesperson Cole Ostomy had only a simple statement to make.

“Who’s on the phone?  Fallis?  His first name is ‘Fallis’?  Just hang up.  It’s some crank.”

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