Alyssa Milano’s troubles just keep getting worse. After making a fool of herself over Elon Musk, she was served a cease and desist by Volkswagon, sued by Elon Musk, and watched in horror as her precious car caught fire in a posh Soho neighborhood. All that bad juju hasn’t gone unnoticed, either.

Joe Barron. entertainment director at NBC, says Milano’s “Who’s the Boss” reboot is off the table.

“She’s way too unstable to put her in charge of a huge project like that,” said Barron, “Even with Tony Danza coaching her, she’s bound to screw it up.” The show was scheduled for at least two seasons and 36 episodes.

“It’s not just back-burnered. We’re scrapping it.”

There’s always a chance the show gets picked up by a streaming service. NBC’s Peacock service says it has no interest. “Milano’s show was all about wokeness. She was gonna play the wealthy single mom who tossed her husband after realizing she was a lesbian all along. Instead of hiring a hunky nanny and his cute little kid, Milano’s character was looking to hire a slightly butch but still pretty housekeeper like maybe Jo from Facts of Life and her 19-year-old daughter, Chloe Moretz.”

“I’ve always wanted to do a sordid scene with her,” Milano said, “She’s a hot little ticket.”

How is this kind of thing not grooming? It is, which is why NBC finally put a stop to it. God bless America.


  1. Gregg

    i love Millisa in Charmed, but when she began to show her wokeness, she was written out of my mind, I will never watch anything again with her in it!

    • finn

      Yeah, I get that. I barely heard of her, since I don’t watch much TV or go to many movies, but I had the same experience after my entire youth thinking Neil Young was “de man” for song writing & gee-tar/banjo/mouth harp playin’. DH too. (We were *very* young when he wrote things like “Heart of Gold.”) It was really hard, but I refuse to listen to him anymore, & we now refer to him as “Kneel Old” (man, look at your pathetic life.) I mean, I’ll listen to musicians with whom I disagree, but when they try to force their stupidity on others? Fuhget it!

  2. Bill Pritchett

    FAFO, her time is way past, she needs to STFU !

  3. Kim Richey

    I loved Alyssa’s character on Charmed, Feisty, Brave and well…. “Charmed” But this woke crap is ruining our Country and it is time we started ignoring these “woke” people. Better yet argue their “woke ideals” and put some sense into Americans that the need to fight against the wokeism is real.

  4. Denise

    Why try and ruin a great show reboot with her woke nonsense. I’m glad they cancelled her! She’s twisted, with all her woke girl power why didnt she support Rose McGowan when she spoke out about the abuse she knows she suffered.. she needs to just go away

  5. Michael Degrood

    I didn’t even know who she was, until she made the news by spewing her socialist/activist bullshit. Glad her hate and ignorance has come back to bite her.

  6. michael taylor

    i rather be woke instead of asleep with orange all around my orifices!

  7. James Fromer

    False. Was never slated for NBC, and is still in development at Amazon’s streaming service, Freevee

  8. George

    Glad nobody wants to hear her bs anyway. She destroyed herself. Would have been a big flop anyway

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