The White House Budget Office has released its tax statements for 2022, including all fees paid to outside professionals for consulting.

That usually includes things like party planning and having the garden redone. It does not typically include paying a past president and traitor to his nation more than $100 million for his “wisdom.”

But that’s exactly what Joe Biden did. He paid Obama $119 million in taxpayer funds to hang around the Oval Office and tell Biden how to be President of the United States.

Aides say they spent most of that time taking fun pictures people could use as memes back before everyone hated Joe Biden.

What did Obama actually do? How much of that money went to drugs? How much went to testosterone treatments for Mike? How much went to bail Malia out of jail?

This whole thing stinks of a compilation show, and nobody has pulled one of those off successfully since Scrubs.

Biden says he doesn’t have to explain himself to us or anyone, and that being president gives him absolute power over such things: It has to be absolute. There can’t be any other way.” Does that not sound like a dictator, patriots?

When Trump was in office, that money went to qualified people like Steve Bannon and Trump’s own kids. We know we could trust them because Trump said so. We sent a message to trump asking if we could trust Obama but it’s mostly rhetorical. We already know.

God bless America.

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