Pelosi suggests Conservative protesters in Michigan should be arrested and held in reeducation camps, Governor Whitmer announces plan.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a surprise move Wednesday orders protesters home, warns they will be rounded up for “reeducation” if they don’t comply. In a press conference today she stated that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had given her the idea offhand during a phone conversation.

“She was just sort of drunken rambling, saying things like ‘wouldn’t it be great if we could do something about these dumbass hillbillies?’ And ‘I sure wish we could just lock them all up together. We could attempt to reeducate them.’ Which I thought was funny because they didn’t have much of an education to begin with.”

Governor Whitmer went on to say that she believes someone should be trying to protect the rest of us from these a-holes and that she’s just the man for the job.

The best men for the job

Conservatives are outraged, saying their First Amendment rights are being infringed

These dipshits are clearly outraged.

We tried to reach out to Governor Whitmer for an interview and were instead directed to her press secretary, Art Tubolls, who had this to say:

“Whichever of these dipshits decides they want to continue to protest in this manner, no safe distancing, no masks, blocking roads to hospitals, will absolutely be rounded up and locked up in camps for either reeducation or contamination, it will be their choice. There will be plenty of room for safe social distancing in these camps, but will they? Probably not, the imbeciles still think the virus is a hoax. Good riddance.”

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