A swift 15-minute deliberation by a Kentucky jury in the case of Gaines v Thomas and the NCAA resulted in tears streaming down their faces as they rendered their decision. Riley was granted $3.9 million from the NCAA and an additional $1.2 million from Thomas.

Expressing her relief, Gaines shared with her followers on X, “This verdict is everything I wished for. Hopefully, this nightmare can finally come to an end.”

Thomas chose not to comment directly to reporters but issued a statement through her publicist, Joe Barron: “Lia is deeply saddened by the unjust and tragic ruling against her and intends to file an appeal,” Barron stated, noting that no other attorney was willing to take her case.

Sources suggest that it might prove challenging for Riley to recover the money owed to her by Thomas. While the NCAA possesses substantial resources to settle imaginary lawsuits crafted by internet trolls, Thomas, now leading an ordinary life post-college, may find it difficult to meet this financial obligation.

ALLOD Sportsball Analyzer Tara Newhole pointed out, “None of the false narratives we create about her are true,” highlighting the ease with which Thomas could justify not paying. Newhole’s observation raises a pertinent question: Would anyone willingly part with $1.2 million based on the decree of a fictitious judge, likely named Joe Barron?

The sentiment appears to be unanimous.

However, despite the skepticism, a considerable portion of the public still clings to the hope that the story is genuine. For them, the continued repercussions faced by Lia Thomas provide an odd sense of solace. God Bless America.

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