The city of Manhattan has more or less become a full on war zone as violent riots broke out across the area.  Stores and local eateries are desperately fighting off looters and attackers, all of them wearing bright red hats with the familiar Donald Trump “Maga” logo embroidered on them.

Police barriers are being broken and thrown, and at the time of this article’s publication, sex people are dead and over twenty-five injured.  New York governor Kathy Hochul is repeating an impassioned plea for calm and dispersement, but being a Democrat, is all but ignored.

The riots are the fault of Donald Trump, the former twice-impeached and currently hopeful President, who was arrested earlier today on a multitude of charges.

The image of Trump being led in handcuffs down the steps of City Hall have inflamed his moronic and racist faithful, again, and there seems to be no end in sight.  We now take you over to our reporter on the street, Joe Barron.

“Thanks Fallis.  The scene here is one of pure chaos and lunacy, with fat and naked old people rambling about, humping stop signs and firing weapons.  It’s like a nursing home under the spell of fentanyl and Jolt cola.  Oh the humanity, Fallis!”

Joe, stay safe.  We’ll have more on this story as it develops.

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