Simone Biles gave up on herself and her teammates during the 2021 Olympic Games in Glasgow. Rather than compete and win for her team, she claimed she had some kind of mental block from competing, basically handing the gold medals in 4 events to China, Russia, and Afghanistan.

The US Olympic Committee met this week to discuss the future of the gymnast and came up with the answer: For dereliction of duty to her team, Biles is disqualified from competing for life. Her career, which wasn’t all that impressive anyway, is over. There are some who call her “the best.” But to most, she’s just a disappointment.

We reached out to her publicist to ask if the little quitter had gotten back on the horse, but she hung up on us. We received an email from her shortly thereafter with some thin excuse as to why Biles wasn’t just a useless quitter:

“Regardless of the incredibly dangerous condition Ms. Biles experienced at the games, she has nothing to be ashamed of. The young woman you call a quitter and a failure is the most accomplished gymnast of all time. You should really be ashamed of yourself for being so utterly stupid.”

Like most Leftists, she went right to the name-calling. it doesn’t matter how much winning she did or how many records she holds, which is apparently quite a few. What matters is the “she’s quitting on the US team so she must hate the troops” narrative it took right-0wing media to build coupled with her skin tone make her an easy target for eager taters.

Rumor has it Biles will give up sports and open a restaurant with Megan Rapinoe.



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