Whoopi Goldberg will be taking a month off of The View without pay after she refused to issue the formal apology to Kyle Rittenhouse the show promised in a federal settlement agreement. According to reports, the show settled with the conservative icon for $22 million and the apology.

It’s unclear how the settlement will work out if Goldberg continues to resist. Attorneys for The View, Sandy Batt and Joe Konders, say they can’t seem to find a deadline for the order. “Technically, all we have to do is tell them it’s coming and there’s not a whole lot they can do about it.”

Still, the show’s producers, rocked by tanking ratings over the host’s refusal to say nice things about a kid who got away with murder, want Goldberg herself to make good for optics. “We really need some positive press. The Bahamas trip was a huge success and the highest-rated daytime show in forever, but we really feel like we’re losing the over 65, under 80 IQ crowd.

Producer Joe Barron says the lawyers for the Rittenhouses don’t seem to have much of a clue, and that it’s a good thing that judge won the case for the kid. “They’re not very thorough. They might have wanted to specify what the apology should be about, when it was due, and who should write it. So far all we have is ‘I’m sorry you’re a little twatwaffle’ on a napkin from Joy.”

Rittenhouse’s lawyers say they’ll go back to court if they can find it, and argue for some sort of ruling on the issue.

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