An article from the archives of a now-defunct website shows that during the 2016 campaign season, on the Friday before the election, Hillary Clinton made remarks that offended Beyonce Knowles so badly that the two haven’t spoken since:
During Friday Night’s Hillary Clinton rally in Ohio, Beyonce’ Knowles, known for her liberal ideals and anti-police rhetoric, was performing a free set for the murderous email queen when she suddenly stopped singing. She turned towards the side of the stage where Hillary was standing and said, “You’re in my earpiece.”
Clinton, looking surprised, gave a smile and started clapping. Beyonce’ continued her performance but cut it short after just two songs. She was seen storming off stage and leaving the venue in a limousine shortly thereafter.
A reporter from the local Parma Gazette asked around and found out from a sound tech that Clinton’s lapel mic was hot and all of the staff were listening when she said:
“I’m grateful, but do we really need to listen to this ghetto trash music? Doesn’t she have something a little less…negro?”
The exchange was deemed “not publishable” by the mainstream media and was sidelined for six years. The story, clearly labeled satire, can now be told for all of its truths.
God bless America.