If you thought you were seeing a lot of Taylor Swift during the Super Bowl, you’re not alone. There was a lot of Taylor Swift… too much for most. When the amount of the pop princess was calculated, it was a whopping 28 minutes.

She got more screen time than Andy Reid did, who was the coach for the Kansas City Chiefs. She was on screen during the Queen of country music, Reba McEntire’s stunning performance of our national anthem.  Talk about disrespect.

There was no reason to even show Taylor Swift but experts are saying that showing her was part of an indoctrination campaign to subliminally get people to want to hear what she has to say. Or something. We don’t know.

Subliminal advertising expert Joe Barron believes it was a concerted effort to get more Taylor Swift into the televisions of American homes, normalizing the idolization of this wayward pop star.  Not even her boyfriend, Travis Kelce was featured as much as she was and he was in the game.

The NFL nor CBS could be reached for comment and both hung up the phone after we asked about this. You’d think that they would have wanted to showcase the big game but that was not the case. It was all Taylor Swift, all the time.

The shoving of Taylor Swift and her boyfriend down our throats is too much. Showing them kissing and canoodling isn’t what we want. We stopped watching the NFL because of kneeling and now it’s this. I know this reporter isn’t going to watch the NFL even more than I said I wouldn’t while still watching it.

We’re tired of this indoctrination into our homes and on our children of two wealthy Caucasian straight people in love like we complained we never see anymore. When is it our turn?  This is why we need to make America great again. God Bless America!




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