(F. Eagleton ~ PatriotPartyPress.com) Representative Adam Schiff (D-WV) reportedly paid a boy and his family $7.6 million for an undisclosed lawsuit, sealed by the court in Morgantown. Sources inside Schoff’s inner circle say the lawmaker paid the family to keep them quiet about an incident between the grown man and their son.

No other details are available, but there are plenty of rumors circulating the internet. Nobody has outright accused the congressman of being a pedophile as of yet.

Some non-pedo rumors include a payoff for a drunk driving accident, the purchase of the boy’s mother from Thailand, and possibly a clerical error of some kind.

One thing everyone can agree on is that a public official paying off a boy’s family is probably a bad thing, unless it’s not. One person suggested that Schiff was giving the boy the money from a fundraiser, but it was determined that the boy had all of his hair and didn’t look like an old man at 9 or anything.

We’ll keep you updated on this developing story.


  1. Terez

    Of course, he’s a p e d o, why is the writer acting dumb. It’s been widely reported that Schifty is into little boys and actually may have been responsible for Anthony Bourdain’s death because he witnessed an incident at a very posh hotel of Schifty dressing up as a female going into a hotel room then shortly after a man with what looked to be a “drugged” up black boy about 10 or 11 walked to the same room. Apparently, the child expired from too much of the drugs while the congressman was doing an illegal act on him & Bourdain saw the man carry out the child’s lifeless body out of the room. Bourdain was said to have reported the incident but was “suicided” in the following months. These deep state politicians are very well connected and will go to any lengths to cover their tracks. It’s very well known that Schifty has lied to congress on many occasions and yet faced no punishment and remains as head of the Intel Committee in Congress.

  2. Lesliebarnes

    Always thought he was STRANGE!

  3. Nelson Burch

    Please do not present Schiff as a WV representative. He is D-California.

    • Khb

      This doesn’t sound like satire at all. It sounds like slander. Much as I can’t stand lying liberals or Democrats.

      Are you trying to be Babylon b or something?

      • Randy

        Yeah, we draw the line in WV at sister loving. We dont mess with kids.



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