The makers of Oreo cookies have gotten into the political fray once again, this time with a cookie that celebrates Gay Pride.  The cookie maker has made political statements in the past, but this seems like it’s the most egregious, political statement yet.

The cookie, designed to celebrate the movement, is on sale now at supermarkets and other retailers across the country and even across the world, signifying where Oreo stands in this era of political correctness and anti-Trump and police sentiments.

Oreo spokesman Joseph Barron said the cookie will bring people together in solidarity, love, and peace.

“Dipping this cookie into whole milk will give you an idea of where we stand, how we feel and how we would want our customers to feel about the Gay Pride movement.”

Businesses worldwide have been rushing to make statements on the movement, which has gained a lot of traction in the last few months because of incidents here that have taken place in the United States. The companies, especially Oreo are taking a decidedly liberal, un-American stance on this.

Sandra Batt, a Christian, Trump-supporting conservative all American woman is appalled at the Oreo cookie and what it stands for.

“How dare they!!!!! This is an American classic, number one, and to make it political and against our president is just, well, it’s just wrong!!!! They should be thankful President Trump allows them to do any business here after this!!!”

She was visibly clutching her pearls at something she clearly didn’t understand.

How will parents explain this to their children, who for years have given them an after school snack of delicious Oreo cookies while they plop them down in front of a television set or an IPad for hours of mindless entertainment to shut them up? Why don’t they think of the children?????

Businesses should stay out of these things, especially Oreo cookies. How dare they cover white sugary cream between two black cookies!


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